Contact Us

To advertise in Ramsey Neighbors,

please contact Salina McLaughlin:
(201) 286-0197

To submit content ideas,

please contact Lauren Schreiber:

(201) 936-4871


Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities

What We Do:

Borough of Ramsey specific glossy magazine that features families from the area with content about the residents. Other content includes area events, real estate updates, historical society articles, resident features, and more. Neighborhood specific micro-targeted distribution via the mail for free.

The website is the digital component of our publication which gives our readers a way to read the publication online. Offering additional value for our sponsors, and multi-platform 360 degree advertising opportunities.

The Expert Contributor

The Expert Contributor sponsorship combines the three most powerful marketing tools in one affordable program, giving you maximum exposure to have a voice and powerful platform in the community as a local go-to expert.

Your business will have a powerful way to educate the community about your industry. While other businesses in your industry could advertise in the magazines, each magazine has one expert per industry. The program is designed to help you build strong credentials and raise your status.

Your name and picture will be prominent in the table of contents every month as a go-to expert and can also appear in contributing articles which you can write up to four (4) times per year. The personal introduction and repetitive reminder of your presence will build awareness, embedding you into the social circle of the targeted area and reinforce your expertise.

Business Profile
You can tell your business story. During the course of your campaign we connect you with our readers through a unique business feature story about your business. Who you are, the history of your business, what’s important that you and  want the audience to know about you.

High Profile Sponsorship Opportunities*

Resident Feature Article Sponsor
Feature Section Sponsorships
Real Estate Page Exclusive Sponsor
Inside Front/Back Cover Positions
Back Cover Position
Two Page Centerfold Spread
And more

*subject to availability

Graphic Design Services
Sponsorships with Ramsey Neighbors include having the full array of graphic design services for your monthly advertisement.